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Leland Historic Preservation Commission

The Leland Historic Preservation Commission, created in 2000 as part of a broader city historic preservation ordinance, consists of up to nine volunteers who ensure the city’s historic resources are protected and promoted.

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Using the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the locally developed Design Review Guidelines, the Commission works with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History to implement appropriate historic preservation within the local historic district, prohibit inappropriate development, and prevent loss of historic properties due to demolition or neglect. To accomplish this, the Commission requires an architectural review of new construction and exterior alterations to existing buildings located in the historic district, meaning that a property owner must submit an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to the Commission and receive approval BEFORE work is started or building permits are obtained. This process guarantees property improvements based on accepted standards, which increases property values by protecting historical integrity and enhancing property attractiveness to tourists and potential buyers.

Current Commissioners:

William Powell, Chairman

Pat Dickens, Vice Chairman

Daryl Lewis, Secretary

Mackenzie Cousino, Member

John Dean, Member

Margaret DuBois, Member

Michael Schuerer, Member

James Scott, Member

Hebe Splane, Member

Mary Boteler, Certified Local Government Coordinator

To qualify for appointment to the Commission by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, persons with a demonstrated knowledge or special interest in architecture, history, real estate, or other preservation-related field submit an application. Annual training sessions are required for knowledge updates and Commission recertification.


Commissioners meet monthly (except December) on the third Monday at the Leland Library at 6:00 p.m. Those with business are encouraged, but not required, to attend.

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